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Sweet Yoni Bar
  • Sweet Yoni Bar


    Description: Our sweet yoni bar has 2x the benefits of our Pink yoni bar. It helps with Yeast infections, BV, Menstrual discomfort, Hydrates skin while keeping the yoni moisturized, Has anti fungal and anti inflmmatory properties, helps with odor and vaginal discomfort. Aids in cleansing and detoxifying. 


    Usage: As needed or 2-3 times a week so it won't cause vaginal dryness with its strength. 


    Ingredients: Shea Butter base , Glycerin base, tea tree essential oil, oregano essential oil, Glycerin oil, herbs such as Motherwort, mugwort, rosemary, red raspberry leaf, yarrow, red rose petal


    Fragrance: No added fragrances


    Recommended: Sensistive and unsensitive skin


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